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Letter From The Editor - Lina Barbarin

First and foremost, I’d like to introduce myself. My name is Lina Barbarin, founder/editor-in-chief of YOYO Magazine. In the past I would try to make my magazine appear as if I had this huge glamorous staff aiding me in the production of my past issues, but the truth is, I haven’t been honest. I do absolutely everything. From the interviews, to the graphic designing, the writing, and the website, the public relations, everything is all me. Why come clean? There’s nothing wrong with busting your butt on something you absolutely believe in.
That is part of the overall message of YOYO after all. By not owning my lack of staff, I was missing an opportunity to inspire my readers and set an example of hard work and love for whatever it is you do. So to reiterate, every pixel of this magazine comes from my heart and my ever-working fingers.
 As I write this letter to you all, I’m imagining all of you lounging about your computer rooms, coffees in hands, becoming very inspired by the issue I’ve produced for the holidays. This issue is long overdue but hopefully it’s well worth the wait! It’s featuring “IamRetroKid” a blogger from Jersey with a hilarious online presence. The reason why I chose him in particular for the cover is because I feel as a society we are growing into a new era of careers and business. It’s all about the internet. Now more than ever before and Chris Ortiz, IamRetroKid, is a shining example of an online personality that can go far in what I’ve been calling “The Online Industry”.
Readers, It’s been over a year now since I’ve started YOYO and so far there have only been 5 issues as of the release of this issue. That’s very little. You can expect many more issues in the future with shorter waiting time as well as a change in content. I’m all about smiles and hard work. YOYO will be a direct reflection of that. You all will see as it’s concept develops over the next few months. I’m very excited about where it’s headed. Not just for me but for you all, my readers, as well. I believe YOYO will prove to be very beneficial in everyone’s future business endeavors.
Until next time,
Lina Barbarin.

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