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10 Reasons Why People Fail at Internet Marketing

10. Lack of Research
One of the reasons why people fail at Internet marketing is because they jump into it without doing any research. You may have an idea stuck in your head and then you decide to roll with it without actually knowing anything about the niche or how it’s faired performance wise in the past.
For example, if other people or companies have tried to market a product or service in the past and every single person has seen the same results, there may be a good reason for the product or service not performing well. Maybe there’s no consumer demand for it right now and that’s something you won’t know until you do the proper research.
9. No Business Plan
It doesn’t matter if your plan is to create one small niche website to market or if you’re planning to launch the next big Internet marketing company- you still need a business plan. Without a business plan, your goals can get lost along the way and if you lose focus of why you’re doing what you’re doing, then it can create a problem.
8. Already Been Done
Another reason is that you end up trying to market a product or service that’s already been done several times before by other people. If there is too much competition, then your website and your products can easily get lost in the mix. Those who have seen success often see it by developing or marketing unique products that have a consumer or business demand that don’t already have a ton of competition.
7. No Demand
Going along with number 8, there also has to be a demand for the product or service that you’re marketing. If no one needs it or wants it, then no one is going to buy it, hands down. This is another reason why research is so important.
6. Being a Copy Cat
Being a copy cat and marketing products or services that have already been marketed time and time again are actually two different things. Being a copy cat refers to taking another marketer’s plan, website, or business model and trying to do the same thing yourself. It’s quite easy to tell when someone is trying to copy someone else, even in the vast world of the Internet and the only gain you’ll make from it is a bad reputation which of course isn’t a gain at all.
5. Too Much Advice
When you’re in the process of starting your Internet marketing adventure, or even when you’ve already been at it for awhile, you’re going to receive tons of advice from everyone you talk to. Your parents who have worked at the same jobs all their lives will tell you that you can’t make money online; your brother is going to want a cut of the riches that he thinks you’re going to make right away, your friends will think you’ve become a hermit and every marketer you speak to is going to give you a different piece of advice. Everyone in the field is going to tell you a different story and if you go to any conventions or conferences, you’re going to learn a hundred things from a hundred different people and then it’ll be up to you to parse all of that information.
All of this advice and information can leave you feeling overwhelmed. It can also leave you feeling pulled in about a million different directions. You really have to be careful regarding who you take advice from and you also have to wager the results that they’ve seen from taking their own advice. Nine times out of ten, people can give advice but they very rarely ever take it. That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t listen to advice that you’re given but you also have to keep your personal goals and your business goals on track without letting other people drive you down alternate routes.
4. No Direction
One of the reasons why you need a business plan as listed above is so that you have direction. Many times, people just jump into Internet marketing without having a solid plan for what they want to do and what they want to accomplish. Without direction, you’re bound to get lost or overwhelmed which can easily put the brakes on anything that you want to accomplish.
3. Bad Products or Services
If you pick the wrong products or services to market then you’re walking down the wrong path. Before you pick what you’re going to market, you always want to see what consumers think of it if you’re marketing B2C or what businesses think of it if you’re marketing B2B. If you’re finding all negative reviews then you’re already going to hit a road block. When people purchase things online, they do so with trust. If they don’t trust the product or service, then it’s going to hurt conversions.
2. Too Much to Handle
Yet another reason why people tend to fail at Internet marketing is because they take on too much at once. You’re only one person and you can only do so much. While you should aim high, you don’t want to fall short. Set realistic expectations of what you can handle and start from there. It’s better to grow slowly than to grow all at once and then not be able to handle everything.
1. Not Marketing
Who would ever start their own Internet marketing business and then not market? Lots of people actually. Internet marketing doesn’t just involve setting up a few niche sets and then seeing the money come rushing in. You actually have to market those websites and the products and services that you sell or link to. A lot of people go in with the false belief that they can just set up a few websites and then never actually have to work again but this is far from the truth. There can be exceptions but in reality, most Internet marketers work really hard to achieve any amount of success that they see.
There are more than 10 reasons why people fail at Internet marketing but if you’re not seeing the results that you want, the point is to dig down deep to figure out what’s going wrong. Often times, people don’t like to admit failure so they keep plugging away at the same things over and over again just to see the same results. If you want different results, the key is to change what you’re doing now so that you get different results in the future.

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